Phone: 713-522-7777
Fax: 713-528-0174
Frequently Asked Questions

Indemnitor's Financial Statement

Please note all fields are mandatory, make sure all fields are entered and all the agreements are checked or signed.

Personal Information
Name (last, first, middle) :
Email Address :
Primary Phone :
Alternate Phone:
Street Address :
City/State/Zip :
Name of the Apartment :
How long at the address (years, months) :
Property Ownership
Name of the Land Lord (last, first, middle) :
Marital Status :
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Date Of Birth (mm-dd-yyyy) :
Place Of Birth (city and state):
Drivers License # : State Of Issue :
Race :
Gender :
Relation to Defendant :
How Long known (years and month):
Address of Defendant :
Phone Number of Defendant:
Employment Information
How long have you been employed? (years, months):
Monthly Salary:
Spouse's Common Law Information
Name (last, first, middle):
Automobile Information
License Plate Number:
Whose name is the car in? (last, first, middle):
Name (last, first, middle):
Telephone (Home & Cell):
Name (last, first, middle):
Telephone (Home & Cell):
Name (last, first, middle):
Telephone (Home & Cell):
Name (last, first, middle):
Telephone (Home & Cell):
List of Properties Owned or Purchased by You
Street Address where property can be seen:
Name Of the Sub Division
Lot No:
Block No:
Recorded in Volume No.:
page No:
How much is the Property Worth?:
How Much do you Owe? $:
Name as recorded in Court House:
Whom do you make payments to?:
Telephone (Home & Cell):  
Initials it to agree the following agreement.

I have read the information on the indemnitor's statement on the previous page and I know the contents thereof and all the statements and representations contained in said financial statement are true. I further state that I own said property listed above and I do hereby agree that the recording of the deed given by me to the surety will constitute a lien on the above property until all monies due hereunder have been paid and all liability to said surety is completely exonerated. I further agree that I will at all times indemnify and hold the said surety harmless from and against every claim,demand,liability,cost,charge,attorney fee or expense, suit cost,judgement, and/or adjudication against it by reason of such suretyship and before it shall be required to pay the same.

Initials it to agree the following agreement.


I understand that this is my responsibility to have defendent name (last, first, middle): known to be the defendant, return to the office of ATLAS BAIL BONDS IMMEDIATELY after being released or within 24 HOURS, of the posting of his/her bond, I also understand that if the defendant does not return to this office within 24 HOURS a warrant will be issued for the defendant's arrest, and all fees paid on the bond mentioned above will be FOREFEITED.

Initials it to agree the following agreement.


A person commits an offense if, with intent to harm any person, he/she, by DECEPTION causes another to sign or execute any document affecting property or service or pecuniary interest of any person. An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree.
Initials it to agree the following agreement.




I do hereby authorize the bonding company or it's investigators to gather any information that is needed should this bond be forfeited.

This will include but not exclude;

Credit Reports, Marriage and Divorce records, Employment History, Credit Card records, Phone Records and any other information that may be needed by the Bonding Company or its investigators to locate and arrest the defendant on this bond.

I also authorize ATLAS BAIL BOND'S investigators to enter and search any residence listed on this bond belonging to the defendant and or the indemnitor.

I also agree to hold harmless ATLAS BAIL BOND COMPANY and the investigators who have to search for the person who forfeits this bond (s).

This release of information is made without duress and is understood by the person named above and consent is given willingly.

Theft of Service

  1. A person commits theft of service if, with intent to avoid of payment for service that he knows is provided for compensation:
    1. He intentionally or knowingly secures performance of the service by deception, threat, or false token;
    2. Having control over the disposition of services of another to which he is not entitled. He intentionally or knowingly diverts the other's services to his own benefit or to the benefit of another not entitled to them;
    3. Having control of personal property under a written rental agreement, he holds the Property beyond the expiration of the rental period without the effective consent of the owner of the property, thereby depriving the owner of the property of it's use in further rental or:
    4. He intentionally or knowingly secures the performance of the service by agreeing to provide compensation and, after the service is rendered, fails to make payment after receiving notice demanding payment:
  2. For purposes of this section, intent to avoid payment is presumed if:
    1. The actor absconded without paying for service or expressly refused to pay for the services in circumstances where payment is ordinarily made immediately upon rendering of service, as in hotels, campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks, restaurants and comparable establishments;
    2. The actor failed to return the property held under a rental agreement or failed to make. Make payment under a service agreement within 10 days after receiving notice demanding return: or
    3. The actor failed to return the property held under a rental agreement after the expiration of the rental agreement and fails to the applicablerental charge for the property within 10 days after the date on which the actor received notice demanding payment.
  3. For the purposes of subsections (a) (4) and (b) (2), notice shall be notice in writing, sent registered of certified mail with return receipt requested or by telegram with report of delivery requested, and addressed to the actor at his address shown on the report of delivery requested and addressed to the actor at his at his address shown on the rental agreement or service agreement.
  4. If written notice is given in accordance with subsection (c), it is presumed that the notice received not later than five days after it was sent.
  5. An offense under this section is;
    1. A class C misdemeanor if the value of the service stolen is more than $20;
    2. A class B misdemeanor if the value of the service stolen is more than $20 but less than $500;
    3. A class A misdemeanor if the value of the service stolen is less than $500 or more but less than $1500;
    4. A state jail felony if the value of the service stolen in $1500 or more but less than $20,000;
    5. A felony of the third degree if the value of the services stolen in $20,000 or more but less than $100,000;
    6. A felony of the second degree if the value of the services stolen in $100,000 or more but less than $200,000;
    7. A felony of the first degree if the value of the services stolen is $200,000 or more.

    I have read all the information on this contract and understand that it is my obligation to adhere to the contract. I understand that by typing my name in the signature box below and submitting electronically, this becomes a legal and binding contract and I have signed under penalty of law.

    Today's Date: 03/14/2025